Braised Winter Melon with Preserved Cabbage


发布: 2017-09-02 19:35:43   作者: 本网讯   来源: 五台山素宴   



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      冬瓜 500克


      百页豆腐 四块


      梅干菜 100 克


      西兰花 1朵


      姜 1块






      素汤 适量


      菜油 适量


      盐、香菇粉、糖、菜油、素蚝油、生抽、麻油 少许






      1 先将梅干菜泡水洗干凈切粒、羗去皮切粒、西兰花切小垛、百页豆腐切厚片、冬瓜去皮切厚片。


      2 锅内烧少许油把百页豆腐煎金黄包捞备用,锅里在烧适量油爆炒羗和梅干菜粒炒香后放入适量素汤和少许盐、素蚝油、糖、香菇粉、生抽汤滚开后放入冬瓜和百页豆腐煨熟放入碟子留在锅汤勾少许欠汁滴一点麻油,沥在冬瓜和百页豆腐上, 西兰花煮熟围边即可






      Winter melon 500g


      Bean curd 4 pieces


      Meigan cai (Dried mustard vegetables) 100g


      Broccoli 1 stalk


      Ginger 1 piece






      Vegetable Broth proper amount


      Vegetable oil proper amount


      Salt, Mushroom powder, sugar, vegetarian


      Oyster sauce, Light soy sauce, sesame oil



    Cooking Method:



      1 Soak, wash and dice dried mustard vegetables. Ginger peeled and diced. Cut broccoli into small blocks. Cut bean curd into thick pieces. Winter melon peeled and cut into thick pieces.


      2 Deep fry bean curd with oil in a wok till golden and set aside. Put proper amount of vegetable oil in the wok, stir-fry ginger and dried mustard vegetables till fragrant, add vegetable broth, small amount of salt, oyster sauce, sugar, mushroom powder and light soy sauce to boil. Add winter melon and bean curd to the wok and simmer till cooked. Take out winter melon and bean curd from wok onto a plate. Thicken the broth with small amount of starch and add few drops of sesame oil to it. Drip the broth over winter melon and bean curd. Surround the plate with pre-cooked broccoli and serve.